I started high school in Borgar-school that has a special football alignment, and I had great expectations. Now everything would change! Now I would become really cool. But everything was like a chock. Ok, I was prepared.
I had some snob boys in the team. But now there were also girls and others types of guys, cool guys who stood in the corners with nice clothes and smoked. Where I came from you had sport shoes and trainings overalls with big Adidas- or Nike marks. It was the coolest thing, one thought, and I always walked around like that. What I didn’t know was that Rosengård was branded in my forehead. It was like a sign. As if that extra teacher was still stalking me.
Само од љубопитност колку вкупно чаптери има?
Па да кажеме дека не сме ниту на 1/6 од вкупниот број. Ама допрва ќе почне интересното ;) Wenger, Moggi...
Само за информација, фраерот Тони што константно е споменуван во книгата како главен талент и фудвалер кој константно му го зема местото на Златан игра во некоја 4 шведска лига а како најголеми успеси му се припишуваат настапите во Џенова и Стоук.
24-28 чаптери? :)
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